Saturday, August 1, 2009

Jackson is such a little fish! He has started swimming without his floaties this summer! I am so proud of him!
Jackson and his baby sister! I took these right before we left for school the other morning! They were being so sweet to each other.

Allie about to go to school! She looked so cute. I enlarged this one and put it on my mantle! I love it!

My beautiful "Miss Allie". This was taken last weekend by Nana's pool!

On the way to Kevin's 10 year reunion. This was before the party at the stadium club! We had a blast!

This was at L&L Lakes at family day of the class reunion. It was so weird to see all of the guys with their kids. They are all such great daddies!!!! Kevin with Jackson with Allie. Brent with Carter. Patrick with little Patrick and Ava. Matt with Pruitt and Tucker. on the back, Brad with Georgia.

Allie and Carter Rhodes (Brent and Ashley's baby) at L&L Lakes.

Kevin's 10 yr. reunion Friday night at Buffalo Junction.

Allie riding the horsey! Just a Sunday afternoon with the family.

Jackson and Allie on the way to church

Allie on the way to church

Fourth of July

Jackson fell asleep while taking a bath! He was so tire that night but was filthy so he HAD to take a bath. We tried and tried to wake him up and couldn't. When he finally woke up we put him in the tub but he kept falling asleep! Every time we asked him if he was ready to get out he would open his eyes and say, I'm still playin' with my boat!" It was so cute! I know we could have won the money on Funniest Videos if we would have thought to grab the camcorder!

These are all pictures from what we have been up to over the past few weeks! I have found out that it is extremely hard to find time to write on a blog when you have an 8-5 job and don't get home until almost 6 at night. After I cook dinner, wash bottles, bathe children, and put them to bed it is time for me to be put to bed! With all of that said....I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!! Well, except for the work part (and even that is good...if I have to do it!).
Allie is getting so big. She is almost four months old! She is such a happy baby! Smiles and coos all of the time! Jackson is still a great Big Brother! He loves her more than I ever could have imagined. He can talk to Allie and she just lights up. They are such a blessing each day! I'll try to do better posting our updates! Love you all! God Bless!