Saturday, August 1, 2009

Jackson is such a little fish! He has started swimming without his floaties this summer! I am so proud of him!
Jackson and his baby sister! I took these right before we left for school the other morning! They were being so sweet to each other.

Allie about to go to school! She looked so cute. I enlarged this one and put it on my mantle! I love it!

My beautiful "Miss Allie". This was taken last weekend by Nana's pool!

On the way to Kevin's 10 year reunion. This was before the party at the stadium club! We had a blast!

This was at L&L Lakes at family day of the class reunion. It was so weird to see all of the guys with their kids. They are all such great daddies!!!! Kevin with Jackson with Allie. Brent with Carter. Patrick with little Patrick and Ava. Matt with Pruitt and Tucker. on the back, Brad with Georgia.

Allie and Carter Rhodes (Brent and Ashley's baby) at L&L Lakes.

Kevin's 10 yr. reunion Friday night at Buffalo Junction.

Allie riding the horsey! Just a Sunday afternoon with the family.

Jackson and Allie on the way to church

Allie on the way to church

Fourth of July

Jackson fell asleep while taking a bath! He was so tire that night but was filthy so he HAD to take a bath. We tried and tried to wake him up and couldn't. When he finally woke up we put him in the tub but he kept falling asleep! Every time we asked him if he was ready to get out he would open his eyes and say, I'm still playin' with my boat!" It was so cute! I know we could have won the money on Funniest Videos if we would have thought to grab the camcorder!

These are all pictures from what we have been up to over the past few weeks! I have found out that it is extremely hard to find time to write on a blog when you have an 8-5 job and don't get home until almost 6 at night. After I cook dinner, wash bottles, bathe children, and put them to bed it is time for me to be put to bed! With all of that said....I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!! Well, except for the work part (and even that is good...if I have to do it!).
Allie is getting so big. She is almost four months old! She is such a happy baby! Smiles and coos all of the time! Jackson is still a great Big Brother! He loves her more than I ever could have imagined. He can talk to Allie and she just lights up. They are such a blessing each day! I'll try to do better posting our updates! Love you all! God Bless!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Allie's 4 week photo shoot!

We went to Dothan yesterday to have pictures taken of Allie and Jackson. They both did so good! Especially Jackson. He had so much fun...maybe I have a little model on my hands!!!!! After we finished at Sears we went to the Kids Kastle to let Jackson play! It is sort of like Chuckie Cheese. We ate pizza, he rode rides, played games, and played goofy golf. Then we had to "stop by" Toy R Us to return something and we were there forever. Jackoson tee-teed in the potty twice while we were gone yesterday!!! Yeah!!!!! The potty training is really going good. He had been going to the potty almost every time he needs to. Our pull-ups are rarely wet anymore!!!!!! Anyway, we had a great day yesterday. With all of our running around he didn't nap so he fell asleep on the way home at 4pm and slept 'til, needless to say, at bedtime Jackson wasn't sleepy so it was 10:45 until his little eyes closed!!!! Allie was up crying anyway so it wasn't like he was keeping us up:) Allie is growing so much and Jackson is still loving having her around! Every morning he wakes up and asks, "Where's miss Allie?" and she loves to whatch him run around like a wild man! More updates soon I hope. Next week is my last week off, so I hope I can still find the time to update the blog. Wish me Luck!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

"washing" their hair at the sprayground
Jackson loves his cousin so much

sitting in the ocean water

he was telling Molly something
about "three of 'em"

beach babe


they loved laying in the ocean

Jackson and Molly at the Sprayground

Nana, Molly, Allie, and Jackson

Mommy, Jackson, and Allie Brooke

Allie was 4 weeks old on Friday and we spent Mother's Day weekend at Panama City Beach. Me, Mama, Kim, Molly, Jackson, and Allie all drove down on Thursday afternoon. This is our annual family trip and we had a blast! We stayed at the Splash resort, which was PERFECT for the kids! When we got there Thurs. the kids immediately wanted to go explore everything. They went to the kiddie play area that had frogs and turtles and just sprayed water. They loved it!!!!! I have never heard so much squealing in my life! Then we made our way to the big water park that has slides, etc. The water was freezing!!!! Molly played in it for a while, but Jackson was scared that the big bucket was going to splash him so he stayed on the edge. After they were good and blue, they wanted to go down on the beach. The water was warm compared to the water park and the kids played until almost dark! The rest of the weekend was spent going back and forth between the three places. They had so much fun!!! "Where was Allie during all of this?", you ask. Well, Nana stayed in the room with her on Thurs. afternoon and Fri. morning. Friday afternoon we loaded her up and took her down on the beach in her little swimsuit! She was too cute laying in her little tent. That lasted about 45 min. then she got hungry! Me, her, and Jackson made the trip up to the room to make a bottle and then back down to the pool and then back up to the room again when we were all worn out! Saturday we got smart!!!! We rented the lounge chairs and umbrella and Nana and Allie had a cozy spot to rest. This was much better. We all spent the entire day outside and finished up the day at Shuckem's then goofy golf! The kids were hilarious playing golf. Jackson was so excited he couldn't keep his feet still! Then we were almost at the end of the 18 hole course and I pointed out someone doing the thing where they are laying on there stomach and flying through the air.....oh my gosh, Jackson was so upset by this. He kept saying "why those people flying in the air? They scaring me!" When we got ready to leave the golf course the kids were exhausted. Jackson had been playing and laughing and in an instant he started bawling crying saying, "I want to go check on my Daddy" and "but, where is you car Mommy?" (realizing that we had all ridden together in Nana's car and we didn't have a way to go "check on Daddy") It was so sad, but so funny because he made such a drastic change in mood so quickly!
Overall we had a wonderful weekend!!!!! This is my mom's treat for us every year and we have so much fun. It is such a great way to spend Mother's Day! My mother is the best mother in the entire world and I feel guilty because she spent most of her weekend tending to Allie so that I could chase Jackson. I hope you had as much fun as we did, Mama!!!! We appreciate all that you do for us all year long, not just this weekend! I pray that I can be as selfless as you are and that I can be as good a mother to Jackson and Allie as you are to me!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Miss Allie posing for her birth announcement
Jackson and Allie going for a walk

Ready to Stroll!

Jackson loves being a big brother!
Allie is 11 days old now! We are having so much fun getting to know her. She is so laid back and calm. She eats, sleeps, and poops (of course). When she is awake she just looks around and takes everything in. She rarely fusses which is so nice! Jackson is still loving being the big brother. He wants Allie right up under him all of the time. God has truely blessed us with the two most beautiful children, inside and out!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Allie Brooke Booth has arrived!!!!!!

God has blessed us with another healthy baby! Allie was born on April 10 at 11:35 am. She was 8 pounds and 0 ounces and 20 inches long. I went in on Friday morning at 5am to be induced. When we got to the hospital they hooked me up to the monitors and I was contracting 4 minutes apart. They went ahead and started the pitocin at 6:30 and Dr. Nicholls came in and broke my water at 7:30. I got my epidural at 9ish and I told Kevin at about 10:30 that I would start pushing at 11:15. At 11:25 I started pushing and at 11:35 Allie Brooke was born! What a miracle! She is absolutelt beautiful and PERFECT!!!!! Our labor, delivery, and recovery was very smooth and the nurses and doctors were great! We came home about 1pm on Easter Sunday! Allie looked so cute in her Easter Dress and bonnet.
Jackson is the best big brother ever! His Grandmother came over and got in bed with him when we left for the hospital at 4am Friday! I had been upset and worried about how Jackson was going to deal with everything, but was pleasantly surprised with how he delt with being with different people all weekend. Grandmama brought Jackson to the hospital Friday afternoon to meet his "baby siser". It was the most heart warming thing to see! His face lit up and he hasn't stopped smiling since. He is dealing with the transition remarkably well. He helps us change diaper, wash clothes, and anything else we need and he even takes correction well about thing he can't do to Allie!
We took Allie to the Dr. yesterday to have her weight checked. She was back up to 7 lbs and 9 oz. (she was 7 # 7 oz when we left the hospital). Dr. Block checked her out and said everything was perfect! Jackson had to see then Dr too because he started running a temp Thursday am at school. He had a virus and is already feeling better today!
The past past 6 days have been amazing! God is so good! I wonder often why he has chosen us to bless so abundantly but I am grateful for it all! We have the perfect little family and I can't wait for all of our friends and family to meet our little princess!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I forgot to add this one! This is a pastel portrait that Mr. Arthur Smith did of Jackson today! He took a still photo yesterday and sketched his body and we went back this afternoon for him to do the color and the features on his face. He is so talented! He did this while we were sitting there talking to him. Jackson did so good and Mr. Smith was really good with him. For those of you in Troy, he will be in town all week at Park Memorial doing these paintings. 1/3 of his profit is going to Pike County Relay for Life!

Wow, have we had a great weekend!!!!!! My sister and Katie Jennings Shurett had a wonderful baby shower for me on Saturday at Kim's house. It was so perfect. We had so much great food and fellowship. I know they both worked really hard to get ready for the day and I truely appreciate every bit of it! Allie got so much cute things and even more practical stuff. I had so much fun organizing it all today! Jackson's Big Daddy and Meme were here this weekend for the shower and they spent the night with us! We had a ball! Today we spent the morning at the creek behind our house. Sydni, Molly and Kim came, too. The kids had a blast and ended up, "buck naked" as Jackson called it. He was walking through the water when he came to a deep spot and fell down. This was the perfect excuse to take all of his clothes of and go throught the creek with only his diaper. Anyway, for those of you wondering...Allie is due in about five weeks so it won't be much longer now! I will send out updates as often as possible!!!! Love you all!!