Thursday, May 14, 2009

Allie's 4 week photo shoot!

We went to Dothan yesterday to have pictures taken of Allie and Jackson. They both did so good! Especially Jackson. He had so much fun...maybe I have a little model on my hands!!!!! After we finished at Sears we went to the Kids Kastle to let Jackson play! It is sort of like Chuckie Cheese. We ate pizza, he rode rides, played games, and played goofy golf. Then we had to "stop by" Toy R Us to return something and we were there forever. Jackoson tee-teed in the potty twice while we were gone yesterday!!! Yeah!!!!! The potty training is really going good. He had been going to the potty almost every time he needs to. Our pull-ups are rarely wet anymore!!!!!! Anyway, we had a great day yesterday. With all of our running around he didn't nap so he fell asleep on the way home at 4pm and slept 'til, needless to say, at bedtime Jackson wasn't sleepy so it was 10:45 until his little eyes closed!!!! Allie was up crying anyway so it wasn't like he was keeping us up:) Allie is growing so much and Jackson is still loving having her around! Every morning he wakes up and asks, "Where's miss Allie?" and she loves to whatch him run around like a wild man! More updates soon I hope. Next week is my last week off, so I hope I can still find the time to update the blog. Wish me Luck!!!!

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