Wednesday, January 28, 2009


  1. Karri, I am so sorry to hear about Allie...but then again I am so glad to hear that everything is okay now. I am so glad that you did this blog website...that way I can put you on our prayer list at church and I can get my prayer warriors praying, too. Keep us posted and know that I am thinking about you and your family and praying as well.

    Much Love,
    Brynn Nix Howell

  2. Karri,

    I enjoyed the update today! Yes, I enjoyed ever

    every second of our beach trip. I am already

    looking forward to next year! Kimberly's new

    baby will be about six months old. I sure it

    will crazy with all four babies!

    Thank you for all the sweet words. Now that you

    have children of your own, I am sure you can

    understand how I feel when I say---

    I love you more than life itself!!!!

    All my love, Mama
